Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Inspiration: (1/2) Can a one-hour speech change your life?

Motivational speakers are people whose speeches are supposed to have the ability to help you solve…

Do you feel it is time for a change?

Our habits help us manage our everyday lives. But sometimes we start to be so accustomed to our…

How you recognise you are stuck in a founder’s role

You succeeded in obtaining the funding to start a company and have established your presence on the…

Do you negotiate incentive programmes with the public sector?

Incentives offer huge cost reductions to companies; however, the devil is in the detail. Above all,…

What makes successful people successful

You don’t need anyone to tell you that you are good at what you do. Let yourself be guided by your…

Feedback is a chance to improve: don't take it personally

It is all too easy to take feedback as a personal insult or attack. However, that is not the right…

Gifts a leader can give to employees (2/2)

The previous article explained how some of the best gifts leaders can give to subordinates is a…

Gifts a leader can give to employees (1/2)

What gifts do employees usually receive from their employers? Some vouchers or parties are generally…

Remain confident even when you are struggling

Even if we feel inspired by others, we may occasionally feel intimidated by our own lives. Although…

Listing 127 to 135 out of 483