Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Developing a new habit can be fast and easy

There is a simple yet powerful recipe for developing a habit. Use it to develop any habit you…

3 tips to retain your best employees

When setting and reviewing performance goals for individuals, tell them what these goals mean to the…

Your attitude influences the success of your team

Your mood and your verbal and nonverbal behavior have a powerful impact on your colleagues. Caroline…

Trust pays: Can you be trusted?

One senior leader doesnt trust another. That is the unfortunate reality in many executive teams. The…

Not sorry for that: What you should never apologize for

There are certain things, that it is unnecessary to apologize for. Or more to the point, we should…

Myths blocking your success debunked

Try to find the area you are best suited for. Dont rely excessively on positive thinking; it is…

What is the most important quality of a leader? Being yourself

Leadership development seems not to be working properly. The reality is that many leaders today feel…

Promoting healthy diets: Solutions don’t need to be costly

In 2015, Daiwa Securities launched a healthy eating initiative for its 13, 000 employees in Japan.…

Prague College looks forward to its new semester with one of the biggest february intakes in its history

Prague College, one of the Czech Republic's leading private universities, is delighted to announce a…

Listing 253 to 261 out of 481