Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Let your negativity teach you a lesson about life

Being scared and insecure because you experience negative feelings means you are failing to make…

Linking individual shift and of the organizational shift: Actual examples (2/2)

Quarterly profits are no longer an accurate picture of company performance. There can be delays and…

Linking individual shift and organizational shift (1/2)

We need to replace static, outdated business models with new dynamic ones better suited to the…

5 warning bells for managers who are not doing well

When you have not tried anything new for a long time, it may be a sign that you are not management…

Leadership coaching: Why it is vital to keep the momentum going

According to research conducted by business psychologist Doug MacKie, there was a significant…

Don't write your speech on your own

Why should we invite some collaborators to help us with a presentation or speech? The first reason…

How to choose the right presentation skills course

If you are a natural communicator, then you have a certain advantage for public speaking. This,…

Stop talking about accountability. Be accountable

You don’t want your employees to hide mistakes? Then you must set a positive example of…

Lose your blind faith and actually create a learning culture

Change is not an event it is a process. There are no instant changes when it comes to learning.…

Listing 280 to 288 out of 481