Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

The biggest networking mistakes

Parties, meetings of businesspeople, conferences and organised B2B matchmaking events are an ideal…

Simple steps to make a presentation engaging

Your key objective is to familiarise the whole audience with your topic. Otherwise, you risk losing…

Fear of public speaking? It's all in your mind

Emotional hijack is the worst enemy of every speaker. It happens when you perceive something as…

Answering questions at your presentation

When there are questions, it is not the time to feel the terror of being trapped. We got some tips…

Guy Kawasaki: How to prepare for a panel discussion

If you have been working in your field for a long time, you represent a successful organization or…

Use nonverbal communication to improve your networking skills

The idea of building business contacts at conferences or other events gives many people goose bumps.…

Antidotes for unduly confident speakers

We try to save our energy by using mental shortcuts, otherwise we would have to work out everything…

What not to do before an important presentation

Sometimes it is useful to consider what you could possibly do wrong. There are, for example, a…

Presentation guide: How not to disappoint your audience

How should someone who is making a presentation treat their audience? Structure your presentation…

Listing 82 to 90 out of 111