Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How playing it safe contributed to the 2008 crisis

Why do banks usually invest in assets where the risk is lowest? And how did this contribute to the…

Alcohol and negotiations (2/2): To drink or not to drink

The previous article described how in some countries consumption of alcohol during negotiations is…

Change behavior with gamification (2/2)

 In the previous article, we saw that we can use gamifification to promote employee learning and to…

Are your employees leaving? Find out why

The times we live in, the current economic situation and the state of the job market all lead to the…

Change behavior with gamification (1/2)

Gamification is not a one-time solution merely for addressing short-term challenges. In reality,…

From red to blue ocean (2/2): Not all technology innovations bring value

To move from competing red oceans to new blue oceans, your market-creating strategy must focus on…

Western society should start learning from its seniors

The lack of routine after retirement regularly turns life into an incarceration. There is no new…

From red to blue ocean (1/2): Only value innovators can escape the sharks

Nowadays we can observe rapid growth of companies like Amazon, Apple and Netflix. Both market…

Design thinking: Approaches the best leaders adopt (2/2)

The previous article introduced the concept of the design thinking approach. Now we will see how…

Listing 280 to 288 out of 984