Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

When and how to say goodbye to clients

Get rid of the bottom 10 to 15 percent of your clients every two years. That is what Marshall…

Women in tech industry (1/2): What limits their career success?

Women in tech leadership roles are still somewhat rare. Furthermore, young women often don’t get the…

Czech company cars of the year 2017

At the end of 20167, the Czech Company Car of the Year winners were announced at the 9th annual ALD…

Social interaction at work (2/2): How to encourage them

The previous article described how sometimes we may have a tendency to overlook the value…

Blockchain: Disruptive technology

What is blockchain? This piece of technology was first described in a paper published in 2009. It is…

Social interaction at work (1/2): Treat your subordinates with dignity

If you are a leader, you need to choose the right people and put them in the correct parts of the…

A freelancing career: Where are you heading next?

Freelancing means freedom and independence for many people. This autonomy is very refreshing, but it…

Tackling team conflicts (2/2): Leaders and leading

The previous article showed how people's expectations of what meetings should bring may differ. But…

Tackling team conflicts (1/2): Let's meet … but why?

Usually, unclear goals are the basis of conflicts among team members. When teams are diverse, the…

Listing 316 to 324 out of 984