Forbes Magazine published its 30th ranking of the richest people in the world. The number of dollar…
Autonomous vehicles are likely to appear on roads in huge numbers during the next 10-20 years. This…
Modern technology enables us to be as connected as never before. The world is small now, and so it…
Development of technologies and machines is advancing ever more rapidly, while in this same context …
The new technologies will first appear in luxury cars. However, mainstream manufacturers are also…
In 20 years time, connected cars and autonomous vehicles will make traffic much safer. Robot drivers…
Motivation means influencing the behavior of employees so as to achieve higher performance and a…
Simple concepts often have considerable value, and these two concepts will help you achieve…
V závěru roku 2016 proběhl slavnostní večer s vyhlášením výsledků 9. ročníku ALD Automotive Fleet…