Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Implementing a culture of innovation

Acknowledge that mindsets will have to shift. Start by accepting that your company culture must…

Talent does not exist, success requires practice

Everybody sometimes wonders why we have not become top scientists, artists, athletes or world-class…

Get your staff actually to use the technology you have paid for

There is a problem in your business. You see that the solution could be in technology. Now how to…

Virtual teams: Why technology is useless without emotional capital

There are teams which form great working relationships and use technology seamlessly. Contrary to…

Job interviews at six in the morning

Selecting a new colleague for your team is not easy. Besides knowledge and skills, the person should…

The world of work in 2066: Better or worse?

The British magazine Management Today is celebrating $50 years of its existence. The world of work…

Why do we still need banks? Fintechs are not a perfect substitute

Banks still have a unique role in providing liquidity and funding higher credit risk assets. Digital…

Typical Czech fraudster: A trusted top manager

Men aged 46-55 years old working as senior managers are responsible for the most frauds in Czech…

What do European managers drive?

A car is one of the most common executive benefits. It must be representative but also safe and…

Listing 541 to 549 out of 984