Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

First optimize your employees, then processes

Many companies assume the optimization of their processes will go hand in hand with their systems.…

Innovation is a matter of collective genius

If we want to build constantly innovating organisations, we need to rid ourselves of certain common…

Promoting healthy diets: Solutions don’t need to be costly

In 2015, Daiwa Securities launched a healthy eating initiative for its 13, 000 employees in Japan.…

What to do when your employee asks for more money

"I want more money." That's a request you can hear from the mouths of top performers as well as…

Facebook shares recommendations on how to manage Millennials

Facebook is the first Fortune 500 company founded and managed by a representative of the so-called…

Digital transformation of shared-services centres

In the digital environment, shared services and IT will collaborate with business units to determine…

What questions you should ask at a job interview to make an impression

The task you have at a first interview is selling yourself. More specifically, your main goal is to…

Experts are responsible for processes, not just managers

Improve the way you do business by making use of your experts intellect. It is an opportunity not to…

Study: Economic development of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Austria since 1990

The Czech Republic (CR), Slovakia and Austria share many common economic characteristics. These…

Listing 586 to 594 out of 984