Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Linking individual shift and organizational shift (1/2)

We need to replace static, outdated business models with new dynamic ones better suited to the…

The Czech Accounting Act from January 1, 2016 (2/2)

An amendment to the Act no. 563/1991 Coll., On Accounting, which incorporates new European Union…

Stephen Covey would weep

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People were described back in 1989 by popular American expert on…

Chief Digital Officers: About the role (1/2)

Digital is an integral part of strategy. Digital is a new way of doing things. You do not need to…

The Czech Accounting Act from January 1, 2016 (1/2)

An amendment to the Act no. 563/1991 Coll., On Accounting, which incorporates new European Union…

How law firms can evolve: Story of a big transformation (3/3)

Lawyers are sometimes thought to believe that they are the center of universe. However, when even…

Don't write your speech on your own

Why should we invite some collaborators to help us with a presentation or speech? The first reason…

Do you know your business? Three crucial topics of business acumen

There are three basic areas of business which you should be well-informed about in case your…

Nobody is smarter than everybody: How technology redefines power

Generally speaking, power has a bad reputation. Social scientists define power, achievement, and…

Listing 622 to 630 out of 984