Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

4 management tips for your great business vision

In the early days of a new business, the owner has the privilege of sketching out his business…

How to interpret data without misleading

Do you read amazing statistics every day on the web, in newspapers or see them on TV? Coffee will…

The most common reasons why start-ups fail

Do you have any personal experience with a failed business? Then it is very important for you…

Eliminate the most destructive emotion in your team - envy

If envy were tangible, it would look like a boomerang. This is because it is one of the most self-…

Can you change the game rules?

Technology, efficiency, process - all these words are certainly well known to you. They are usually…

When is the right time to hire new employees?

Every manager tries to have the right number of people in his team with regard to the volume of work…

A few tips for start-ups, where to save and spend

So you have already had the idea to start your business. You have even ensured the necessary…

How to write a business case for your project

You have an idea for a new project and you want to present it to your supervisors or potential…

Typical mistakes of new entrepreneurs

In the first year of doing business, startups tend to commit the same mistakes which can cost them…

Listing 838 to 846 out of 984