Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Škoda Auto launches the first e-shop with cars in Europe

Škoda Auto has just launched the first e-shop in Europe selling cars via operational leasing. By…

Blockchain: Disruptive technology

What is blockchain? This piece of technology was first described in a paper published in 2009. It is…

AI: already delivering real value to energy sector companies

Even today, artificial intelligence is being used to obtain real-life and long-term…

4 drivers of transformation (1/3): Product and customer journey optimization

It isn't easy to convert technological breakthroughs into comparable breakthroughs in productivity…

10 interesting facts from the life of Bill Gates

Bill (William Henry) Gates (61) is the richest man in the world. According to the latest rankings of…

Study: One in three cyberattacks result in a security breach

A new security survey from Accenture finds that in the past twelve months, roughly one in three…

4 tips for leaders of startups (not only) in 2017

As a leader of a startup, you need to hone your critical listening skills because your clients…

New era of business (2/2): 3 business models that actually bring value

The previous article, described how suppliers do not have such a sweet life. Now we will take a look…

The U.S. presidential election: Big data prognosticators failed badly

In the last few election cycles, code-driven tools were fine-tuned and their projections were,…

Listing 19 to 27 out of 52