Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Ten tips for multiplying your contacts on LinkedIn

If Facebook or Twitter is like a barbeque with friends, then LinkedIn is a cocktail party. In short,…

OECD: Czech Republic needs more competition and shorter maternity leave

The Czech economy will grow, according to a new report from the Organization for Economic…

3 things that makes you a better manager (or not?)

Being a manager that focuses on his team and hopes to gain their trust and respect, is never easy.…

Do you suffer from the "Perfect Fit Syndrome"?

Every smart employer should try to get the best possible employees. This does not, however, mean…

When is the right time to hire new employees?

Every manager tries to have the right number of people in his team with regard to the volume of work…

Myths surrounding salary negotiations

For many people, requesting a raise equals a nightmare. They expect failure, ridicule, or that their…

A few tips for reducing travel expenses (Part II)

The fact that corporate budgets are not unlimited needs no great elaboration: whether you are an…

A few tips for reducing travel expenses (Part I)

Corporate budgets are not unlimited as many employees often think on their business trips away from…

5 corporate rules that kill your business

Are you also of the opinion that the customer is always right? Promoting the top performing…

Listing 163 to 171 out of 213