Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Don’t let good ideas die in your company

Good ideas should not be wasted. Beware of giving the impression that any good ideas on the part of…

Siloes in companies harm the business (1/2)

Each division should discover the same insight for itself? No, there is no time for that. An…

3 steps for better cybersecurity (2/2): What follows the initial discussion

The previous article explained how, if you want to take cybersecurity seriously, the first step is a…

How visualization helps reveal actionable insights

Data on its own is often useless to us. We need the data formatted so that we can find actionable…

Organizational design and structure (2/2): Should you tell people where to sit?

In the previous article we saw why any formal structure is better than none, provided that employees…

Why managers should care about onboarding

With a little planning and effort, your newcomers can get up to speed very quickly. There will be no…

Organizational design and structure(1/2): Does it matter?

A formal structure is good as long as employees are free to partially adhere to it. They should be…

Internal negotiations (3/3): Dealing with diverse goals

The previous article showed the need to bear in mind how our interactions may get tough if our…

Internal negotiations (2/3): Perceptions can be misleading

The previous article showed how internal negotiations need not always be a piece of cake and thus…

Listing 172 to 180 out of 344