Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

What percent of your work can be automated today?

An enormous technological breakthrough will come if machines can understand natural language at…

Let your managers and data collaborate

Who ensures the collection and analysis of data crucial to the business? Middle managers. In fact…

Managing technical support: From phones and chat to knowledgebase

Self-service technical support is financially favorable for companies and when compared to…

Even world-class individuals can't outweigh a team

What guarantees success? It is not a few outstanding talented people, but a team full of people with…

Approach to innovation depends on your position

Innovation management is not a one size fits all, it is a tailored coat. A line manager has a…

4 tips on how to make effective decisions

If you run a business, then you have certainly experienced situations where you are not able to make…

Can you change the game rules?

Technology, efficiency, process - all these words are certainly well known to you. They are usually…

How do you recognize the signals of new opportunities?

The characteristic successful entrepreneurs have in common is the ability to detect and capitalize…

Listing 10 to 17 out of 17