Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

New era of business (1/2): Suppliers, expect hard times

Today there are considerable opportunities for companies particularly in two key areas: one is…

Link your diversity and inclusion programmes with business goals

Intensive, cross-functional collaboration creates distinctive capabilities. If you want growth, you…

Foster collaboration by using the threat of radical change

This model can be used when a company needs to shift from developing big innovations to the creation…

Influencing others: a few tips that work

You have your goal. You know what you want to achieve. That's good. Now you need to consider the…

Organisational design: (1/2) Hierarchy is an outdated concept

An organisation with a hierarchical system is set up in such a way that assigns various ranks to…

Weakening individual performance incentives can help the company

In law firms and other professional service companies, corporate compensation structures ensure…

Do you think you can succeed only if your colleagues fail?

A gloomy economic outlook can tear apart the social fabric of organisations as people become less…

Innovation projects: How to succeed when each team is responsible for different parts

Imagine two teams of engineers preparing a new laptop. One is designing the processor, the other the…

E-mails are doomed (2/2): New culture of knowledge sharing

The previous article described which technologies are superior to e-mail. These new technologies…

Listing 64 to 72 out of 92