Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Guy Kawasaki: How to prepare for a panel discussion

If you have been working in your field for a long time, you represent a successful organization or…

Study: Tech-ready states in 2015

This year's leader of the ICT revolution is Singapore, which has a comprehensive digital strategy at…

Use nonverbal communication to improve your networking skills

The idea of building business contacts at conferences or other events gives many people goose bumps.…

How much does a happy person earn?

$ 70,000 a year. This is the amount of annual pay which makes people feel well-being. Those who earn…

Entrepreneurship: A dream and hard work are not enough

Probably every entrepreneur has an excuse for failure: investor pulling out, economic crisis,…

Are you an expert or an exhibitionist?

No matter what field you work in, today's digital world gives you a unique opportunity to present…

Antidotes for unduly confident speakers

We try to save our energy by using mental shortcuts, otherwise we would have to work out everything…

I worked on... London 2012 Olympic Games

We live in a Global world and we need to apply an increasingly multi-discipline approach to our…

What not to do before an important presentation

Sometimes it is useful to consider what you could possibly do wrong. There are, for example, a…

Listing 415 to 423 out of 587