Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How (not) to lose credibility on LinkedIn?

More than 135 million professionals from the whole world currently have their profiles on the…

Does internal e-mail still make sense?

Thierry Breton, CEO of an international company providing IT services in 42 countries called Atos,…

How to prepare participants for online meetings

Successful online meetings require adequate training of all participants, not just the leaders or…

How to lead a virtual team

The ability to collaborate and share information remotely provides specific management challenges.…

5 steps to include remote workers in corporate culture

Despite the high unemployment rate, businesses still cannot find necessary experts on local markets.…

Do you really want to send that e-mail?

We write e-mails every day. It does, however,  not mean that we do it correctly. Although…

Study: Young Generation Wants Flexibility and Mobility

Mladé zaměstnance dnes při rozhodování o tom, kde budou pracovat, ovlivňuje v&…

Cat ears reveal emotions

Do you have doubts about whether the participants of your training sessions pay attention to you?…

Listing 613 to 620 out of 620