Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Is Ulrich out of date?

Ulrich Comes of Age. This is the title of a study undertaken by the British consulting company Orion…

How a Chief HR Officer affects the bottom line

Bertrand Dussert works for Oracle, as a HR transformation and executive advisor to some of Oracle's…

Are you a lousy HR manager?

"The things you can always count on in life: death, taxes and lousy HR leaders in your organization.…

Top 10 corporate recruitment challenges for the coming years

In the next five years, we can expect a complete transformation in the world of recruitment. That is…

Measuring engagement: Why and how?

Strategic talent management cannot be based on measuring employee satisfaction, but on measuring…

Unnecessary mistakes in employee surveys

One of the typical tasks of HR professionals is running periodic surveys focused on getting feedback…

Study: The Future of HR in 10 points

How the HR function in organizations will evolve in the next five to seven years will depend on the…

How to choose the right HR metrics

Metrics are useful only when they measure things that matter. In HR, this means the necessity to…

How will recruitment change in the next ten years?

How will recruitment look in circa 2020-2025? Lou Adler, an American expert on recruiting top talent…

Listing 190 to 198 out of 257