Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Record growth in the number of women on boards in British companies

Number of women on boards of the largest companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (FTSE 100)…

European Commission launched public consultation to achieve balanced representation of women and men in board positions

One year after EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding called for self-regulatory measures to…

Study: Most professionals do not want to leave but...

Flexible working hours. That is the main reason why dissatisfied employees in executive roles remain…

German journalist call for mandatory quotas

Hundreds of leading female journalists demand compulsory introduction of quotas to ensure at least…

HR and marketing should work more closely

"HR and marketing, as business functions, have a lot more in common than might be apparent at first…

Secondary school graduates wanted for administravite jobs, university graduates in IT

In 2011, the total number of job offers published on the Czech job portal Profesia.cz included 11%…

12 tips for sending employees abroad in 2012

What can multinational companies do to align their policies for sending employees abroad with…

Pitfalls of filling managerial positions

Filling managerial posts involve many dangers. The first one is the charisma of the candidates. A…

Trends in employer branding for 2012

Brett Minchington, the CEO of Employer Brand International, took part in professional events focused…

Listing 739 to 747 out of 785