Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How to prevent your best employees from departing

Top performing employees do not leave their employers suddenly. Their behaviour usually shows signs…

Tesco starts restructuring of managerial and specialist positions in the Czech Republic

Tesco, one of the biggest private employers in the Czech Republic, launches restructuring of…

Where to start with promoting diversity?

Integrating diversity into a corporate culture is a long and difficult process. Ont the part of the…

Denmark opted for a new model of gender equality in companies

Denmark wants companies to involve more women in boardrooms and senior management. The government…

What is the glass escalator?

More and more men enter traditionally female job sectors such as education or nursing. They are…

Beware of the succession planning miskates

Succession planning is one of the current HR management priorities especially in large companies. In…

Promote or not to promote?

Most companies today solve the question of whether to promote successful specialists into…

Study: Women make up only 3% of board members in Germany's largest companies

Pressure to involve more women in top management of German companies is growing both among…

Record growth in the number of women on boards in British companies

Number of women on boards of the largest companies listed on the London Stock Exchange (FTSE 100)…

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