Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How to turn job hoppers into loyal employees

We recently wrote about why job hopping may not be a bad thing, but an advantage for both job…

How to be offered a better job

Responding to job advertisements is far from the only way to get a new or better job. American…

Mirror, mirror, who is going to leave us?

If we could reliably predict which employees want to leave, we might react more flexibly and thus…

Study: Women in the EU earn 16% less than men

The gender pay gap in the European Union amounts to an average of 16.4% to the disadvantage of…

Study: Female representation in management growing slowly

A new study by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) confirmed the link between the number of…

How to prevent employees leaving in the new year

Employee motivation at the end of the year should not be limited to the payment of bonuses. The…

Germany close to approving the law on quotas for women on boards

The German government coalition has completed its bill which introduces mandatory quotas for…

What should you offer overqualified employees?

We can see cases of overqualified workers or job seekers all around us. For example, a mother who…

Succession management in five steps

If you only know the process of "succession planning" in connection with succession in companies,…

Listing 55 to 63 out of 117