Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Well-being: a holistic approach to its four categories at the workplace

Well-being is something that needs no explaining to HR specialists and managers. It refers to the…

Five steps towards removing gender inequality at your workplace

Despite all efforts, there are still gender-based differences in attitude towards employees at many…

Preparing a programme lowering stress at the workplace

Stress is a major enemy of an effective workplace. It is a silent killer of motivation, a medium for…

Four hottest trends in workplace design for 2019

The year 2019 has brought many new trends in the field of office space design. Here we describe the…

Are your employees at risk of burnout? Five things you can do

Some business fields are well known for the increased chances of their employees burning out. It is…

How to recognise an employee who is disengaged

Employees are the most important component of company activity. They accept the values ​​and…

Key stages and symptoms of burnout

Burnout syndrome was first described by American-German psychologist Herbert Freudenberger in 1974.…

The five best and five worst types of work environment

There are hundreds of different working environment characteristics. Some, such as space, can be…

How to cope with work stress

Just as we leave folders containing papers in the office, it would be great if we could also put…

Listing 19 to 27 out of 99