Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Which employees should work from home?

The Yahoo's recent decision to end the possibility of employees to work from home sparked a wave…

Yahoo bans working form home

Yahoo's CEO Marissa Mayer decided to end the existing practice when hundreds of employees could work…

Money, or Life? Review of a book on freedom at work

Peníze, nebo život? - Jak přestat vydělávat na život a začít i v práci žít? ("Money, or Life? - How…

Office workers don't have to just sit

Office workers can do a lot for their health when they get up from the chairs. They can write e-…

New year, new work habits

Are you entering the new year with the intention to be more productive and a more enjoyable…

Ten commandments of considerate behaviour in open plans

Working in an open plan office has its pros and cons. While some people emphasize greater efficiency…

Stop eating at your desk

Admit how often do you eat at your desk and, moreover, handle even other things at the same time.…

Tips for a healthier and more productive sedentary job

Although studies show that we should enjoy a ten minute break every one hour of work to maintain…

Which office tools are gone?

The LinkedIn professional social network asked its users in a survey which office tools would…

Listing 73 to 81 out of 99