"C'est la vie", "Oh la la!" or even "Vive la France". Headlines containing these expressions have…
Start-ups cannot compete with large firms for the best talent. That is at least what most start-ups…
While Yahoo or Hewlett Packard are moving thousands of their employees from home offices back to …
Scheduling the work of agents is a key prerequisite for the successful operation of a call centre.…
Are you one of those people who will have to be at work during the Christmas holidays or are you…
Returning from vacation is challenging. Most people, therefore, do not expected themselves to be…
Minulý týden jsme rozebrali výsledky studie Email Perception Study 2012, ze které jasně vyplývá, že…
Many meetings are still a waste of time. So, why not to make them new opportunities for employee…
Manažeři trpí zahlcením informacemi a to jim bere velkou část času a energie, které by mohli věnovat…