Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Unusual benefits from Europe and around the world

There is never enough inspiration for non-financial employee benefits. That is why the human…

Platy.cz: Practice can increase salary by almost a third

Starting salary in the Czech Republic is currently 22,716 Czech crowns a month. Employees with two…

Myths of 360-degree feedback

Implementing the process of 360-degree feedback is a challenging project that requires careful…

Why do 360-degree feedback programs fail?

The 360-degree feedback has become a routine part of people management in organizations. Its purpose…

Meal vouchers the most common Czech non-financial benefit

Most people in the Czech Republic receive non-financial benefits in addition to financial rewards.…

Study: 61% of people in the Czech Republic earning less than the average salary

The average monthly salary in the Czech Republic is 26,008 Czech crowns. Less then a half of the…

The biggest killer factors, which destroy employee motivation and engagement

Steve Jobs said, that you have to love your job, if you want to achieve outstanding results. If you…

Google implements death benefits

The above-standard employee benefits at Google are well-known all over the world, whether it's a…

How to get top management support for your employee rewards program

Employee rewards programs are in the same position as most HR programs in a company - they can…

Listing 136 to 144 out of 189