Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Hootsuite: Benefits alone can't keep talent

The Hootsuite company was founded in 2008 when the Canadian programmer Ryan Holmes launched the…

Data-driven HR represents the future

HR today relies increasingly in all its phases on data and this trend is set to continue in the…

The Google way to equal pay

Women recruited to Google in 2015 were given 30% more money than men in comparison to their previous…

Employees will not stay because of a strong brand or a big salary

Employee engagement is closely related to how staff feel about their work. It depends on their sense…

Work in HR is damned hard

Why do you want to work in HR? Many people answer this question by saying they love working with…

First U.S. city introduces paid parental leave

The United States represent the only developed economy in the world with no national health…

Talent management trends for 2016

In 2016, talent management will make changes regarding the approach to employee recruitment and…

A New Year's resolution for HR professionals: Retain your talent

The battle for talent does not stop even in periods of economic downturn, let alone now when there…

Unemployment and wages of women with young children on the Czech labour market

At the end of 2015, the Institute for Democracy and Economic Analysis (IDEA) at the Economics…

Listing 46 to 54 out of 189