The Czech Statistical Office has released a publication entitled Total Labour Costs - 2014. The…
A new government regulation was published in connection with the new Czech Labor Code which came…
The Czech government adopted Government Regulation no. 233/2015 Coll. on 20th August 2015, amending…
Amendments to two major laws for employers in the Czech Republic - the Employment Act (Act no. 435/…
In April 2015, US businessman Dan Price, owner of Gravity Payments in Seattle, announced that in the…
The British government has made public a preliminary consultation of its draft of mandatory gender…
Richard Branson, British billionaire and owner of the Virgin brand - which includes hundreds of…
Referrals from current employees are one of the most effective resources for hiring new employees.…
The number of men on parental leave (who are entitled to take maternity benefits*) has increased in…