Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Test your employment brand

Strong employer's brand is one of the most powerful recruitment tools of a company. So, if your…

Don't forget your corporate culture when recruiting

Employers often make a mistake when choosing their employees only on the basis of their CVs and…

Focus diversity management on interpersonal skills

A fundamental part of the work of diversity experts in companies is developing the interpersonal…

Why do I have more women in my team?

Vše jako by nasvědčovalo tomu, že ruku v ruce s vývojem doby jsou lidé stále méně empatičtí.…

6 steps towards a corporate culture of cooperation

Currently, a lot of articles are written about the broad possibilities of using social media for…

Want more engaged employees? Invovle in volunteering

How do your employees aswer the question why they work for you? If they mention just the salary and…

How (not) to promote a family-friendly corporate culture

Family-friendly corporate culture consists of internal procedures and customs helping employees to…

How to prevent your best employees from departing

Top performing employees do not leave their employers suddenly. Their behaviour usually shows signs…

4 steps to a team-based culture of learning

Every sensible person is able to admit that he or she cannot know everything. We should, therefore,…

Listing 163 to 171 out of 195