Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

10 tips for inexpensive corporate Christmas celebrations

Christmas is approaching and so do the question on how to arrange corporate celebrations that will…

5 tips for managers: How to handle layoffs of employees

Layoffs are not pleasant for anybody. The ability to fire employees is, however, one of the basic…

Recruitment as a partnership with managers

Recruiters should be real partners of managers who need to find suitable employees for their…

Employed parents should be treated seriously

Although many employers do not perceive pregnancy of their workers too positively, for the smart…

Why to tell employees that they are high potentials?

Should employees who are considered as high potentials by their employers know about it? According…

Why not to tell employees that they are high potentials?

Should employees who are considered as high potentials by their employers know about it? According…

Who Is Hurting Your Worklace Morale?

Negative people at work quickly undermine the morale of others. You have probably already witnessed…

Study: Trust Matters

Employees who distrust their superiors are nine times more likely to think about leaving their…

What (Not) to Do in Performance Reviews

How to advise part of a series of Best Practices for Server Harvard Business Review:

Listing 118 to 126 out of 127