You have managed to get invited to an interview for your dream job. Your previous experience…
At the end of 2015, the Institute for Democracy and Economic Analysis (IDEA) at the Economics…
Do you think that your corporate Christmas party was a bit boring this year? You may change your…
Based on the requirements of employers, represented by the Confederation of Industry of the Czech…
A new government regulation was published in connection with the new Czech Labor Code which came…
The Czech government adopted Government Regulation no. 233/2015 Coll. on 20th August 2015, amending…
Health-related problems and the unfavourable situation of elderly people on the labour market: these…
Amendments to two major laws for employers in the Czech Republic - the Employment Act (Act no. 435/…
Two hundred and three professors from 88 US universities, including Harvard, Yale, Stanford, MIT and…