Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How to look for "smart creatives" the Google way

How does Google manage talent? We can learn something really surprising about this topic which has…

What to do when you want to attract graduates

Consider how you phrase your ad. Wording matters sometimes you dont want to bore potential…

The first 100 days of an HR Director

Entering a new role always involves feeling pressure and stress, particularly when you are entering…

How well do you get along with IT?

Information technology plays a critical role in business today and penetrates departments which are…

7 steps for successful managerial coaching

Can coaching really change the behavior of managers? The answer to this question is yes. However, it…

Study: Depressed employees should continue working

We have recently published several articles on the growing number of people suffering from…

Richard Branson offers his employees unlimited vacation

British billionaire and owner of the Virgin brand - which includes hundreds of companies, including…

A managerial role is not the only possibility for a high potential employee

What are the biggest mistakes companies make when identifying and developing high-potential…

Study: You should rather commute on foot or by bike

Do you commute to work by car? Then you should know that, walking or cycling are better not only for…

Listing 289 to 297 out of 662