The productivity of European workers has reached its lowest point for five years, as shown in the…
The global labour market for managers and professionals remains stable. That is according to the…
The so-called Servant Leadership (leadership as a service) is the concept of leadership named by an…
The LinkedIn social network can be beneficial not only to find a new job but also to enter it.…
Manažeři trpí zahlcením informacemi a to jim bere velkou část času a energie, které by mohli věnovat…
One of the most influential personalities in the field of HR - author of the concept of HR…
One of the most influential personalities in the field of HR - author of the concept of HR business…
HR professionals face the requirement to express the benefits of their solutions and strategies for…
Vše jako by nasvědčovalo tomu, že ruku v ruce s vývojem doby jsou lidé stále méně empatičtí.…