Catherine Sinclair, HR director of Plzeňský Prazdroj, was one of the participants in a panel…
"In my opinion, 95 percent of all the work that is done on recruiting metrics ends up being a waste…
A shift to data-based employee selection decisions will be the strongest trend in recruitment for…
In a new book entitled The Leadership Capital Index: Realizing the Market Value of Leadership,…
When recruiting new employees, personality is the most important deciding factor. The reason is…
Everybody sometimes hates their job. So if your employees do not show every day how much they love…
Each function within a company measures the quality of its products or services in a certain way,…
HR people often complain about things going wrong. They tend to evaluate their own professional…
"It's time to blow up HR and build something new. Here's how." This slogan, with a picture of a bomb…