Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Meal vouchers the most common Czech non-financial benefit

Most people in the Czech Republic receive non-financial benefits in addition to financial rewards.…

Study: 61% of people in the Czech Republic earning less than the average salary

The average monthly salary in the Czech Republic is 26,008 Czech crowns. Less then a half of the…

Steps for managers to get rid of constant stress - Part 2

Minulý týden jsme rozebrali výsledky studie Email Perception Study 2012, ze které jasně vyplývá, že…

Survey: Motivation of Czech ICT specialists

In June 2012, Hays recruitment agency addressed Czech ICT specialists from its database to complete…

Study: Strong HR to increase company's revenues 3.5 times

Companies with high expertise in key HR practices achieve up to 3.5 times the revenue growth and 2.1…

Study: Europe struggling with productivity and returnability of investment in human capital

The productivity of European workers has reached its lowest point for five years, as shown in the…

Study: Global trends in recruiting managers and professionals (July 2012)

The global labour market for managers and professionals remains stable. That is according to the…

3 steps for managers to get rid of constant stress

Manažeři trpí zahlcením informacemi a to jim bere velkou část času a energie, které by mohli věnovat…

Ten steps to prove return on investment in employee training

HR professionals face the requirement to express the benefits of their solutions and strategies for…

Listing 163 to 171 out of 259