Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Largest global coaching study published

The International Coach Federation (ICF) published the results of a groundbreaking study on the…

Study: A quarter of Czechs connects to social networks at work

A quarter of the 53 percent of Czechs who have access to the Internet at work connects to social…

Study: How to connect your business strategy with workforce

How to transform business strategy into the workforce and skills that your business needs? Answers…

Study: Changes in the structure of part-time employment in Germany

The importance of part-time employment is rising across the whole Europe. In Germany, for example,…

World lacks 200 million jobs. And it will be worse

If the world is to achieve sustainable growth and maintain social cohesion, 600 million…

Bonuses in Czech companies are rare. Slight increase in 2011

Fewer Czech workers than in the previous year received bonuses in 2011. According to a survey by…

Most vacancies in Czech companies opened for IT specialists

In 2011, the Czech online job site Profesia.cz published by 38% more job offers than in 2010. The…

Still little room for women on boards in Germany

Despite the fact that numbers show better results of companies led by representatives of both…

Confirmed once again: Appearance matters

Attractive appearance is as important as a university degree for a worker's income and career.…

Listing 226 to 234 out of 259