Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

How to prevent burnout syndrome in your team

Burnout syndrome is a phenomenon which requires no explanation. It is a result of long-term stress,…

How to get rid of bad habits in five consecutive steps

Even a small bad habit can cause big trouble in the long run. If you do nothing about your bad…

Five tips on reducing stress levels in your team and increasing productivity

High stress levels, too much work, being overwhelmed with tasks and a work-life imbalance. Many…

How to take care of your mental health as a manager

Being a manager and an inspiring leader to your team requires emitting positive energy, motivating…

Six ways to overcome fear and appear confident

Uncertainty, nervousness, stress. Successful managers and inspiring leaders always come across as so…

How to combat stress of team members

Stress is a big enemy of an effective workplace and the successful functioning of a team. While…

Seven tips on being more productive in anything you do

Productivity and efficiency of work not only enable you to do the same amount of work in less time,…

Six problems that put employees at risk of burnout

Long-term stress, an unpleasant working environment, work overload or inability to balance work and…

How to prevent burnout among your subordinates

Burnout syndrome is a very serious condition that puts at risk not only the work performance and…

Listing 118 to 126 out of 1005