Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Three steps towards supporting a healthy company culture

Working environment, mood in the office, attitude of the manager and company culture. All these…

4 tips on how to maintain a positive attitude, even in times of crisis

The coronavirus pandemic is not the only crisis that you will have to face during your professional…

Six personal challenges that will significantly change your life

If you have the feeling that every day is the same, that you are stagnating and losing the desire to…

Develop nerves of steel and focus on results like extreme athletes

Extreme athletes are known to have really strong nerves and commitment to the cause. But how did…

Become irreplaceable

Who would not want to become an indispensable person for others - and especially at a time when many…

4 ways to help employees lower their stress levels

Long-term stress in the team is something  every manager should be afraid of. High stress levels…

Six tips on how to increase your productivity and achieve your goals

Many people work hard, but not everybody is as productive as they would like to be, and not…

How to make working from home more pleasant for your employees

Restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic are tightening and it will be a while until we are…

Stay positive even when life is giving you a hard time

People tend to take one of two positions: optimistic or pessimistic. Most of us choose the latter as…

Listing 145 to 153 out of 1005