Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Study: Playfulness can be learnt and help companies increase innovation potential and improve employee well-being

Simple exercises can help people become more playful and gain greater satisfaction with their lives.

Do you know what you need to do in the morning before opening your inbox?

Your inbox is just a list of other people's priorities. Don't be fooled by a feeling that every e-…

10 available project management tools

Numerous studies confirm that using project management tools improves team performance and…

Survey: Initiatives to promote corporate well-being need to be more humanised

According to a recent PwC survey, CEOs plan to digitise significantly, promote flexibility, and…

Why is a degree of ignorance and inattention healthy?

Today's world offers endless possibilities. But more choice can frustrate some people: they have to…

Work from home = burn the candle at both ends?

Home office works. In fact, recent months have shown that a bigger challenge than insufficient…

Do you feel paralysed and stressed? Focus on time management

Many people in the industrialised world suffer from what is called the "deception of busyness." They…

How to cope with the crisis thanks to emotional intelligence

An increasing number of studies suggest emotional intelligence can help our better psychological…

Exercise: Reveal the true values of yourself and your company

The pandemic has given us a new picture of who we are, what we stand for and what we are capable of.…

Listing 190 to 198 out of 1005