Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Character traits that lead to failure – and how to tackle them

Sometimes, we are unable to take action and do what we should. When that happens, first identify…

Does your boss suffer from narcissism or bipolar disorder?

Do you need to handle a toxic leader? If so, start by identifying the source of your boss's problem.

Do you want to stay organised? 3 things to avoid

When you are trying to manage a lot of things at the same time, staying organised can be difficult.…

Save up to five hours a week with these four tricks

Time management is an issue in itself. Many people would like to have more time for their work. In…

Gender stereotypes (1/2): Negotiating

Stereotypes are the main reason why members of under-represented groups are disadvantaged. The…

Tips you need to read before your next business meeting

Have you ever wondered what you might do to make your business meetings more organised and…

Your success lies in your mind

Do you feel devastated at times? Maybe you experience enormous frustration, and have the feeling…

Beware of becoming a workaholic: five tips on avoiding this

Our job to a large extent defines who we are. It is important we devote enough time to our work and…

Getting enough sleep? Fine. And how about meditation?

Your mind is probably going at a hectic pace. So try to slow down for a while. Meditation could…

Listing 352 to 360 out of 1005