Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Ego will not make you an expert in your field

The problem is that believing you are an expert can make you less open to further learning, when in…

Embrace diversity and cross-cultural collaboration to enhance creativity

A close relationship with a person from another culture can enhance your creativity. Expats who…

Five signs a boss does not respect employees and what to do about it

Workers' performance is largely dependent on how happy they are in their job. And how happy they are…

Challenges leaders are facing today

Today we work in an unpredictable and connected world. How can leaders manage their responsibilities…

Exceptional CEOs (2/2): Advanced lessons

Sequencing of new initiatives is important. In the case of an exceptional CEO, a structural change…

Stop doing these 4 things and you will be more successful in life

What separates the successful from the rest? It's not origin, education, and in many cases, not even…

Can you thrive when your industry is in decline? You can.

Some 17 years back, there was a company that was in trouble. The competition was offering cheaper…

Roles we transfer from childhood to working relationships (2/2): Aren’t you Lucy?

How we naturally view and respond to people and situations is to a great degree affected by our most…

The role of people in the world of computers

Are we no longer in control? It is true that today we are able to fix only a limited number of…

Listing 460 to 468 out of 1005