Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

French employees given the right to disconnect

Modern technologies offer continuous access to the Internet and e-mail, which makes the borders…

Is suicide a laughing matter?

Although basic facial expressions are the same worldwide, people from different cultural backgrounds…

5 steps to meet (almost) every goal

The beginning of the year is traditionally a period of resolutions and setting new goals. Many…

3 key principles startups must honour

Making a startup successful is no easy matter. The failure rate is quite high: only four out of 10…

Good leaders inspire, not give orders

Good bosses and leaders trust their people and they create environments for their people to not only…

What is so special about shared office space?

Shared office spaces are popular: young entrepreneurs in particular often take advantage of them.…

Productivity boost: All you need is pencil, paper and these tips

Plan the course of your days in advance. With better organisation and planning, you will feel more…

Do you want to be more productive? Buy another mobile device

One of the most common recommendations on how to work more productively is to turn off all…

Intuition, or rationality?

Intuition plays a greater or lesser role in all our decisions. It may take the form of experience, a…

Listing 505 to 513 out of 1005