Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Does today's world favour introverts? 4 reasons why it should

If you could choose, would you hire an extrovert or an introvert? You should know that some of the…

5 top qualities that high EQ brings

According to some people, Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is a much more accurate predictor of success…

Stress and fatigue lowers your cultural intelligence: What to do about it? (2/2)

The previous article described how our cultural intelligence suffers when we are tired. Now we will…

Stress and fatigue lowers your cultural intelligence: What to do about it? (1/2)

Working with people from a diverse range of backgrounds is often highly rewarding but it can also be…

3 things entrepreneurs are bad at

And tips on how to fix these things are included. How can you finally celebrate your successes? And…

Shirts made of nanofibres to replace air conditioning

Do you think you won't survive the summer at work without air conditioning or at least a fan? Soon…

Training and ice cream: Rewarding employees for great work

You can say it loudly and in public. You can award them a day off. You can offer them additional…

Finish with procrastination once and for all

Notorious postponing of duties, bad time management, loads of wasted time, getting stuck on details…

Stay mentally sharp with these easy tricks

Useful time is wasted when you worry. Focus on making plans and taking action. Also know what you…

Listing 550 to 558 out of 1005