Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Dropped New Year's resolution already? Whose fault is it?

The following are four characteristics of victim mentality. Check whether you suffer from it, urges…

Does your business lack purpose?

Purpose is now a recurring theme among business leaders. Are you a business leader who thinks that…

Best leaders change their business by changing their people

For a change to be successful, there is a simple framework: capture the attention, secure approval…

Professional growth: What matters is the manager, not position

You should care about your people and the quality of the work they produce. Provide them with…

Changing your path: You don't have to leave your current employer

If you want to change your career, there will be some transition costs. You need to invest in some…

How to stay mentally strong

Don't let others drain your mental strength. That is one of the recommendations on how to maintain…

Mistakes you should not repeat

Success is not about not making mistakes. It depends on the ability to admit failure, to learn and…

Four powerful ways of dealing with rejection

Rejection, no matter how unpleasant it may be, has one positive feature: it helps to build…

Test: Are you a problematic employee?

Nobody is successful at work only because of knowledge and skills. Relationships with colleagues…

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