Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Going digital: the journey may be bumpy because of middle management

When it comes to staff resistance to digital changes, middle managers are often the main problem.…

A fundamental shift is coming: A single holistic network

The Internet of Things will connect every person and every thing into a single global network. The…

The story of a speech (1/2): What one nervous professor recalled

By taking into consideration the emotions of your audience, it will be easier for you to show your…

How to become successful (and maybe also rich) through blogging

That you shouldnt cover your entire site with ads is a no-brainer: this is something completely…

Board chairs across Europe (2/2): Shareholders and board meetings

British chairs invest much energy in relations with shareholders and the board. They take care of…

Siloes in companies harm the business (2/2)

The previous article described why it is important that every functional unit in your company has…

Don’t let good ideas die in your company

Good ideas should not be wasted. Beware of giving the impression that any good ideas on the part of…

Siloes in companies harm the business (1/2)

Each division should discover the same insight for itself? No, there is no time for that. An…

3 steps for better cybersecurity (2/2): What follows the initial discussion

The previous article explained how, if you want to take cybersecurity seriously, the first step is a…

Listing 100 to 108 out of 211