Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

The STEP platform mobilises over €15 billion to boost investments in Europe in its first year

The Strategic Technologies for Europe Platform (STEP) has successfully mobilized over €15 billion in…

German electricity market volatility and demand response systems

The German market saw increased fluctuations in electricity prices in 2024, when negative prices…

The European Commission approved Belgian nuclear power plant lifetime extension financing plans

The European Commission has approved Belgium's revised financing plans for extending the operational…

The Baltic states have successfully synchronized with the European electricity grid

The Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have successfully connected their electricity…

Romanian energy minister proposes „Smart Deal“

Romanian Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja has announced plans to present a report to the government…

Hydrogen core network in Germany under construction

A nationwide hydrogen core network in Germany is already under construction. The first 525…

Flamanville 3 NPP started to produce electricity

The Flamanville 3 EPR reactor in Normandy, France, has started delivering electricity to the grid,…

Cactus pear as a potential agricultural and energy source in Italy

A startup called Wakonda, founded by Andrea Ortenzi and his associates, has come up with an…

Number of solar systems in Thuringia exploded

The energy crisis in Germany has led to higher electricity prices. Last year, the number of solar…

Listing 1 to 9 out of 227