The German Federal Constitutional Court has ruled in favour of Vattenfall in its case against the…
The German Bundestag (the lower house of parliament) has approved a major climate protection…
Low-income earners can currently buy a traditional used car with a combustion engine for just a few…
According to the German government’s plan, renewable energy is supposed to account for at least 65 %…
In Germany, sun, wind, water and biomass have so far produced more electricity in 2019 than coal and…
On 16 April, German Chancellor Angela Merkel participated in an official inauguration of the Arkona…
Recently, there was a blackout in the Köpenick district of Berlin which was unusually long, lasting…
According to the Welt am Sonntag newspaper, Germany’s Federal Office for Information Security (BSI –…
The German government has asked a commission known as the National Platform on the Future of…