Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Hydrogen produced from nuclear will be recognized by the EU

After more than a year of delay, the European Commission has finally adopted rules for hydrogen…

UK minister joins Rolls-Royce visiting the Czech Republic

During their recent trip to the Czech Republic, the Rolls-Royce representatives,  joined by the UK…

45% renewables target of the European Commission is ambitious but feasible

EU countries, the European Commission and the European Parliament are currently discussing the…

Japan to maximise use of nuclear energy

In order to address global fuel shortages and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, the Japanese…

Westinghouse and Polish PEJ sign agreement on AP1000 reactor construction

In November, the Polish government selected Westinghouse as the supplier of the country’s first…

A commercial fusion reactor might be built in Canada before 2030

Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL) will cooperate with a private company General Fusion on a series…

Many countries plan to increase the use of nuclear power in a response to energy crisis

The International Energy Agency (IEA) forecasts nuclear generation more than doubling by 2050, with…

Westinghouse developing AP1000 reactor supply chain in Poland

Westinghouse Electric Company has signed Memoranda of Understanding with 22 companies in Poland in…

German public supports keeping reactors online

According to Germany's current nuclear-phase out policy, the country's three remaining reactors are…

Listing 46 to 54 out of 172