Články z oblasti vzdělávání a poradenství

Record amount of cargo transported via Northern Sea Route in 2024

In 2024, Rosatom reported a record-breaking 37.8 million tonnes of cargo transported via the…

Flamanville 3 NPP started to produce electricity

The Flamanville 3 EPR reactor in Normandy, France, has started delivering electricity to the grid,…

Beznau NPP in Switzerland to operate beyond 60 years

Swiss utility Axpo has announced plans to invest additional CHF 350 million (approximately 9.5…

Cactus pear as a potential agricultural and energy source in Italy

A startup called Wakonda, founded by Andrea Ortenzi and his associates, has come up with an…

Energy efficiency - a new, valuable, but technically complex financial asset

In 2023, the European Investment Bank (EIB) allocated over €21.3 billion to energy-related projects,…

Number of solar systems in Thuringia exploded

The energy crisis in Germany has led to higher electricity prices. Last year, the number of solar…

The Chukotka nuclear icebreaker launched

The Chukotka, a 173-meter long nuclear-powered icebreaker, was ceremonially launched at the Baltic…

New systems for storing solar energy efficiently

The International Energy Agency (IEA) reports that about 50% of global energy consumption is for…

Next European Commission’s support needed for nuclear and renewables

Member countries of the European Nuclear Alliance have urged the next European Commission to…

Listing 1 to 9 out of 257