The European Commission has approved Belgium's revised financing plans for extending the operational…
Westinghouse Electric Company and EDF are conducting Technical Feasibility Studies for GEN energija…
Romanian Energy Minister Sebastian Burduja has announced plans to present a report to the government…
In 2024, Rosatom reported a record-breaking 37.8 million tonnes of cargo transported via the…
The Flamanville 3 EPR reactor in Normandy, France, has started delivering electricity to the grid,…
Swiss utility Axpo has announced plans to invest additional CHF 350 million (approximately 9.5…
The Chukotka, a 173-meter long nuclear-powered icebreaker, was ceremonially launched at the Baltic…
Member countries of the European Nuclear Alliance have urged the next European Commission to…
Finland's Helen has begun its nuclear program to build a small nuclear power plant for district…